Nau mai, haere mai ki to matou mahi o ruma tahi me te rua.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Blogging with Mrs Ritchie

Mrs Ritchie teaching us how to make quality blog comments last week. We are enjoying looking at other schools, classes and children's blogs.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Making Movies in Team Awa

Last week we made movies to show our learning on how bees make honey. We were able to choose we video, google slides or stop motion to make our movie. We used screencastify on our slides to add voice. Here are some examples.

Hero Day

Last week we had a fun day with the Police, Ambulance and Fire services. The children learnt more about what the services do and the fire fighters showed us ways to make sure we are fire ready. 

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Project Energise - Thursday 8th September

We were sad to learn that Whaea Gina would not be working with us anymore but we are excited to have Bodean teach us some fun skills in Project Energise.

Here are some videos of the games/skills we learnt for touch rugby.

Maths - Addition

Brooke used Explain Everything to show her learning about adding tens and ones together.

Kelly used Explain Everything to show her learning of adding 3 digit numbers. (Please be patient, Kelly's great explanation starts after about 20 seconds)

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Explanation Writing

How to make fluffy pikelets

Pikelets are yum fluffy things that you eat.
Have you ever wondered how to make pikelets?

First you need to wash your hands.

Next you need to get the ingredients like 1 cup of flour, 1 tsp baking powder, ¼ tsp salt, 1 egg, ¼ cup sugar and ¾ cup of milk approximately.

Then you sift the dry ingredients into a bowl and beat the egg and the sugar together in another bowl. Add the milk and the egg and sugar together so it is smooth and fluffy.

Finally you heat the pan up, then you put the mixture in the frying pan and wait until they have bubbles on the top. Then flip it over and wait until it is golden and then flip it out and eat it.

By Brooke

How to make fluffy pikelets

Have you ever wondered how to make fluffy pikelets?
A pikelet is when you combine three or four things like flour into a bowl.

First you wash your hands really well with the soap and water.

Secondly gather all your ingredients together. The ingredients you need are 1 cup of edmonds standard flour, 1tsp edmonds baking powder, ¼ tsp salt, 1 egg, ¼ cup sugar, approximately ⅓ cup milk, and measure them too.

You sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl, in another bowl beat the egg and sugar with a whisk until pale and thick. Add the egg mixture into the dry ingredients with the milk and stir. Pour spoonfuls into a warm pan.

Next wait until bubbles pop on the top and flip it over.
Then flip it onto the plate.    

Finally all of the pikelets are ready to eat.

That's how you make pikelets.

By Kelly

How to make pikelets

What is a pikelet?  A pikelet is like a pancake but smaller and fatter.

This is how you make them.  

First you have to wash your hands.  Then get your ingredients.  

We put the dry ingredients in a bowl. We put flour, baking powder and salt.

Then you put the egg and the sugar in another bowl and whisk.

Add the eggs mixture to the dry ingredients and the milk.

Put the butter in the pan and you cook small spoonfuls until they look brown. Then you flip them over on a plate.

When you’re finished  They should smell delicious.

By Jack



Te Reo Maori

We have been learning Maori action words and using them in sentences. Here is a quick video we made to show our learning.

Friday, 2 September 2016


Georgia's learning about the Queen Bee.

Leonor's Explanation

Leonor has created an explanation to show how bees swarm to find a new home during reading this week. 

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Explanation of making Pikelets by Leejiin

How to make pikelets.

Have you ever wondered how to make a pikelet?
Well Pikelets are a type of food. They are like pancakes.

First you wash your hands before touching food. Then get flour, baking powder, a pan, egg, butter, sugar and a bowl, don’t forget a cup.

Next you sift 1 cup of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder and ¼ teaspoon of salt, in a bowl and mix it.

After that you add the whisked egg, sugar and milk into your dry ingredients. You mix until just combined.

Finally you scoop the whisked batter into the pan with a big spoon. Then wait until the bubbles pop then flip the pikelets over, when they’re golden take the pikelets out of the pan. Now wait for them to cool down.

Now it time to eat the pikelets.

By Leejiin

Explanation writing

We have been learning about Honeybees in reading. Sam has made an explanation about bees swarming to a new home.

Explanation writing.

We have been learning about explanation writing. Ronan has created a diagram to explain the dance of the honeybee which he has made in reading this week.