We used our language experience of an erupting volcano and you tube videos to help us write about the moment a volcano erupts.
Here are some examples with pictures we created using our volcano vocabulary.
The volcano is spitting on the road and the volcano was brown and black. It was hot and smokey. The lava was rolling on the train track. Bang bang! It crashed down on the road too.
By Anthony
Bang! Crackle! The sun rocks are rolling down the volcano. Sloppy hot goo is slowly bubbling. Sounds like drums rumbling. Sizzle sizzle, here is the bubbles, the red and yellow rocks tumble down. Very, very hot rocks go everywhere.
By Brooke
BOOM CRASH BANG! The gigantic hot rocks burst out of the volcano. The red fiery hot lava slithers down the volcano like a snake. Everything in the lava’s path turns into ash. The lava stops flowing and turns into hard rock. The rock sizzles for 2 hours before it slowly starts to cool down. It is scary but also amazing.
By Sam
Great description of the volcano erupting Brooke