Nau mai, haere mai ki to matou mahi o ruma tahi me te rua.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Multiplication Problem Solving

We have been learning to show our understanding of multiplication using pictures, materials, repeated addition and counting. We had one expert and one learner working collaboratively.

Sent from Explain Everything for iPad -


  1. Hi my baby...Ok if u have 3 bags and u put 3 pens (i think theyr pens)in each bag,u would have 9 pens altogether....thats really good my baby u are guna need alot of pens for all the learning that u are guna be doing...well done sweetheart....oh and before i forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my baby...i hope u had a wonderful day...and hope u liked your present that dad sent you my darling....

  2. wow i just managed to actually watch the video...i couldnt watch it on my phone......what an awesome way of learning....u guys are so clever man.....

  3. Hi there, my name is Kohl-lee and I am a student in Room 3 at Tautoro School. I enjoyed your multiplication video. We have been learning to use different strategies to solve basic facts. I know my times-tables to 6x.
    Well I hope you had fun learning about multiplication. Blog you later.

  4. Hi there, my name is Kohl-lee and I am a student in Room 3 at Tautoro School. I enjoyed your multiplication video. We have been learning to use different strategies to solve basic facts. I know my times-tables to 6x.
    Well I hope you had fun learning about multiplication. Blog you later.

  5. Hi Saphera, its your friend Georgia from school. I do remember when we did multiplication it was very fun. Catch up with you in class.
